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In our previous article, we discussed the challenge of increasing turnover in the IT labour market and how temporary work can be a solution to the problem.
But it’s not a solution if the lending organisation is also struggling to maintain stability and turnover.
An important question is what a temporary staffing organisation can do in this area, as finding the right IT professional can be one of the keys to business success and confidence in retaining them.

Ask and understand!

What motivates our staff?
How do we make them loyal and stay with us for the long term?
The more precise the answers to these questions, the more solid the foundations for employee engagement.
Of course there are obvious answers, the general motivators that clearly matter for all employees.
These include, for example, salary and its transparent increase, the range of fringe benefits, or even a modern working environment.
However, these are now evident in almost all employers and are not really a major retention factor.
It is worth constantly monitoring “what they want”, what they miss, or what we have done to make the IT professionals working with us happy or even annoyed.
A useful tool for this research is anonymous surveys, which HR can use to contact employees at regular intervals.
We get a lot of useful information from these, but in our experience they also have their drawbacks: often someone does not believe in anonymity and therefore does not give honest answers, or has not noticed any change as a result of previous indications and is therefore disinterested in the survey, does not give genuine answers, feels burdensome having to fill in an interface repeatedly and therefore responds in a “rebellious” way.
These questions and our experience have confirmed to us that personal contact, genuine personalised care, is essential and a guarantee of effectiveness from an engagement point of view.

Provide a solution!

In the field of temporary agency work, we also attach the utmost importance to ensuring that all our employees receive personalised support and solutions to their problems.
In this form of employment, the employee spends a significant part of their time with the temporary agency, but at the same time, caring for the employee is vital to the stability of the temporary agency service.
To achieve its employee engagement goals, UC Hire Lab operates its own Team Lead system.
Management support for professional tasks is provided by the hiring company, and the Team Leads we assign are primarily engagement activities.

Our employees have the opportunity to share their current problems, requests and questions with their Team Lead in regular 1on1 or even ad hoc meetings, who will do his best to solve them.
The Team Lead himself works as a contractor for the client, i.e. he has the right local knowledge, networking capital and, last but not least, he is a respected colleague who is accepted by the client.
If he/she is not successful on his/her own, he/she can turn to the staff in the relevant area of the parent company, or in individual cases to our special service provider, where financial, legal and psychological experts are available 24 hours a day.
In addition to operating a personalised care system, we also, of course, carry out an online engagement survey once a year, the two solutions are not mutually exclusive, but rather mutually reinforcing.

We really care!
But what do we achieve?

While in the “Expendables” or “Mission Impossible” movies, the protagonists of the plot are on their own, and even the minister denies knowing about the operation if anything goes wrong, in real life, back-up and accountability are important.
This is the basis for trust, for the feeling that I have someone to turn to, that I have ‘the right safety net’.
Feedback from our staff shows that the personalised support has increased their satisfaction, gives them a sense of security and ultimately means more stable operations, which is definitely more predictable for our borrowing clients. “We think differently about IT staffing”